Service process, redefined by PXF

Come on a tech journey with PixelForce

Our Proven Process: From Concept to Continual Growth

Whether you’re an ambitious entrepreneur or seasoned founder, we understand that developing new concepts into tangible digital products takes a deft touch and a team of experts. We utilise a tried and tested approach, finessing the stages to meet you where you are - ensuring you get the best results for your investment.

Phase 1: Initiate

Phase 1: Initiate

Laying the groundwork for a successful partnership and project

  • Understanding Your Vision
  • Tailored Strategy Development
  • Stakeholder Engagement

Phase 2: Design & Blueprint

Phase 2: Design & Blueprint

Transforming your vision into a tangible, actionable development plan

Phase 3: Development & QA

Phase 3: Development & QA

We build, test, and refine your app. Bringing your idea to reality

  • Solution Architecture
  • Development Sprint Planning
  • API Integration & Third-Party Services
  • Weekly Project Updates
  • Quality Assurance & Rigorous Testing
  • Optimisation & Refinement

Uncover our tech stack, development & testing process

Phase 4: Launch & Realisation

Phase 4: Launch & Realisation

Beyond just going live. Realising its potential and validating business objectives

  • Pre-Launch Checklist and Training
  • App Store Submission
  • Data-Driven Validation
  • Advanced Data Warehousing
  • Insightful Reporting Systems

Dive into our launch & realisation strategies

Phase 5: Refine & Iterate

Phase 5: Refine & Iterate

Shifting the focus to its ongoing growth, success and evolution

  • Strategic Business Growth
  • Continuous Product Development Cycles
  • Security and Compliance Upgrades
  • Performance Optimisation
  • Ongoing Support and Innovation

Explore how to fuel business & product growth

Ready to start your journey?
