
What's it like to work at PixelForce?

At PixelForce, we're more than just a tech company; we're a community of innovators, thinkers, and doers.

We believe in the power of collaboration and the importance of building a culture where everyone feels valued and empowered. Here, you're not just another cog in the machine; you're a vital part of a force committed to driving success in the tech industry.

Why Join PixelForce?

Project Slingshot:
Share Success

Career stability and growth are crucial, but what about wealth creation? That's where our "Project Slingshot" comes in. We encourage our team to invest in client projects with high growth potential. By investing for equity, you're not just an employee; you're a business owner steering a tech project towards success.

Learn more about Project Slingshot

Training & Coaching:
Skill Mastery Unleashed

We're passionate about continuous learning. From monthly knowledge-sharing workshops to professional development initiatives, we're committed to empowering you to grow both personally and professionally.

Learn more about Career Kickstart

Flexible Work Policy:
Work Your Way

We trust our team to manage their time effectively, offering remote working options depending on your role. We believe in good intentions and the ability to produce your best work, wherever you are.

Tech Arsenal:
Cutting-Edge Tools

To build game-changing tech, you need the best tools. We provide the latest equipment and use cutting-edge frameworks to ensure you're always at the forefront of technology.

Social Gatherings:
Beyond the Desk

We're not all work and no play. Bi-monthly company presentations keep us aligned, while regular team outings foster camaraderie and relationship-building. And yes, there's always good food involved.

Furry Friends:
A Pet-Friendly Environment

We believe that a happy workspace is a productive one, and what better way to boost happiness than by allowing our team to bring their furry friends to work? At PixelForce, all employees are welcome to bring their pets into the office! The only thing we ask is that you look after any 'presents' your pet may leave behind. It's a simple way we make our office feel more like home.

Global Footprint:
Your Gateway to Opportunity

Though we're based in Adelaide, our reach is global. You'll have the opportunity to work with renowned entrepreneurs and influencers from various industries worldwide. Our reputation for excellence is something we've worked hard to build and something we work even harder to maintain.

Our Locations

We're proud to have two state-of-the-art offices in South Australia, each offering a unique work environment.

Featured Building

Kent Town HQ

Our Kent Town HQ is a two-story marvel that offers an exceptional view of Adelaide. The top two floors of the building are dedicated to PixelForce, each designed with a specific vibe in mind.

One floor serves as our "production house," where the magic of coding and development happens.

The other floor is our "creative space," designed to inspire and foster innovation. We've spared no expense in fitting out the space; you'll find stand-sit desks, focus rooms, office pods, and a breakout area for those much-needed moments of relaxation. And let's not forget the two fully-stocked kitchens, complete with an array of free snacks, fruits, and beverages to keep you fuelled throughout the day.

It's a workspace that caters to all moods and talents.

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Lot 14 Hub

Our Lot 14 office is a hub of innovation, sharing space with industry giants like Google Cloud, Microsoft, and Amazon Web Services. Situated in the heart of Adelaide, Lot Fourteen is a dynamic community working across various cutting-edge industries. It's a place where innovation thrives and stars align.

Social Contract

At PixelForce, our social contract is a set of guiding principles that shape our culture and how we interact with each other, our clients, and the community.

Empowerment: We're committed to personal and collective growth. We strive to be our best, and we lift each other up to reach our potential.

Curiosity: Questions are a gateway to understanding. If someone asks, dig deeper, clarify, communicate. No such thing as too much clarity.

Value Addition: Every action should add value. That’s why we log our time every day—to account for the value we provide.

Learning from Experience: After every project, we conduct a retrospective. We assess, learn, and improve.

Empathy: Everyone we interact with—colleagues, clients—is going through something. Let's be understanding, genuine, and kind.

Continuous Progress: We're driven by our customers’ success and our commitment to progress.

Punctuality: Treating time as precious means respecting deadlines and meetings. Being late is not an option.

Time Zone Respect: We work with teams and clients from different parts of the world. Let’s be considerate of their time and schedules.

Team Spirit: Always strive to be the colleague everyone loves to collaborate with.

We're Always Looking for Stars

Talent is always welcome at PixelForce. If you're passionate about tech and eager to make a difference, we want to hear from you.

Two Businesses, One Vision

We operate with a dual focus: the business we have and the business we aim to become. This forward-thinking approach ensures we're always evolving, always innovating, and always ready for what's next.