Android Development vs iOS Development: Which Platform is the Correct Choice for Developing Your App?

PixelForce 02 September 2021
Android Development vs iOS Development: Which Platform is the Correct Choice for Developing Your App? Image
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Want to build a mobile app? You are then faced with a difficult decision: Android app development or iOS app development (or which do you first prioritise)? Both Android and iOS have their own advantages and disadvantages, but there is one major difference between the two. Android apps are open source, meaning you can download the source code for Android and change it the way you want it; while iOS is closed source and apps need to be downloaded strictly on Apple devices. What do you think? Should Android app development or iOS app development be your choice for developing an app specifically for your users?

Android is an open source platform which gives developers the ability to submit apps quite easily to the Google Play store, while Apple's approval process weeds out most of the poor quality apps that are submitted to the Apple Store. Apple's approval system means that iOS apps are of a higher quality, which in turn gives iOS users a more premium experience. This may encourage you to develop an app for iOS initially, however, in 2020 - Android owned 71.93% of the worldwide mobile operating system market share while iOS took a mere 27.47%. When it comes to spending, this trend is completely opposite. iPhone users spend almost 1.8x more on apps than Android users.

Android app development has many benefits for businesses and entrepreneurs as an open source platform. Android app development is useful for many reasons but it's important to remember the disadvantages as well. Android apps generate less revenue than iOS apps, and the Google Play store has little control over what is being published. Android users tend to only download free mobile applications instead of paid applications, which could mean less money in your pocket. Conversely, Android apps have fewer restrictions than iOS apps in regards to development.

iOS app development has many benefits for businesses and entrepreneurs, and may be a more suitable choice depending on your individual and monetisation requirements. The Apple App Store has more control over what is published, and iOS users are more willing to pay for quality applications in the App Store. As mentioned, android users tend to only download free mobile applications instead of paid applications. Therefore, if you want to make a profitable app, android development might not be the best option for you. On another note, Android there are more users on Android devices than iOS, so internationally, your app may get downloaded more often.

With all these factors considered what should you do? If you're looking for success in downloading numbers - then Android development could be prioritised for your business. Alternatively, if you're looking for an app where you can profit from user paid subscriptions and your user base are heavy iPhone users, then iOS would suit your initial needs better. It is clear that android development and iOS development both come with their own advantages and disadvantages, it's best to research what your users actually use before committing to develop one before the other.

With so many people owning iPhones, it might seem like the right choice to develop an app for iOS. However, Android dominates the global market in regards to user preference. If you are developing your own app and don't know which platform is best for you, we can help! We offer free 30 minute consultations with our expert team who will recommend what's best based on your business goals.